Gyankunj project New List Of 2019 year

Gyankunj is a school digitalization program to enhance classroom interactivity and teaching-learning process with the help of technology tools, like Projector, Interactive Infrared Camera, Laptop, Speaker, Whiteboard, Wi-Fi Router etc. Initially, this program is executed at Class 7 and Class 8 of 1609 schools (1500 Schools + 109 KGBVs) to accelerate the efforts of Gujarat Government in Digital Mode of Education. It aims to make ease of understanding for each unit of curriculum in classroom itself by using technology as a medium. Gyankunj model uses whiteboard, laptop, projector, IR camera and interactive software for interactivity in classroom, the laptops are connected wirelessly or via USB or serial cables. A projector connected to the laptop displays the desktop image on the whiteboard and IR camera uses high speed image sensors which can intelligently track and learn the environment and allow for a seamless information control with any display with real-time interaction and writing speed without any lag and superior interactive performance. The IR camera accepts touch input from infra red enabled pen. It also helps schools, teachers and students to stand globally competent with the help of education technology.
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Buying a new home or repairing an existing one
Paying for college or technical school training
Starting or growing a private business
Paying for unplanned medical expenses
Paying off high-interest debt
Changing an investment or retirement plan
You might have a similar reason, or you could have different plans for your money entirely. We want to help. When you contact us, you will speak with a representative who will give you options for your future payments for cash you can spend sooner.